Dženis Madžović
Software Engineer
About Me
I am a software engineer with extensive knowledge in full stack development, machine learning & system design. I have strong communication skills and a willingness to perfect my knowledge, experiment with new technologies & continuously learn and grow as a developer. I can jump across verticals to deliver high-performing solutions and I am willing to spend a lot of time working on complex issues.
Kristianstad University - Software
Development Programme
Bachelors Degree Computer Science 2024
Aug. 2021 - July 2024
I was a member of multiple group projects where Full-Stack and Mobile Applications alongside various machine learning projects were built. I always had leadership roles within those group projects alongside developing. During my studies I was one of the few students who were required to pay for tuition, due to me not being from an EU country. Because of that I started working full time and studying full time at the same time, and I did that for two and a half years of my studies. I graduated top of my class and I was also the only recipient of the schools scholarship in the first semester of the second year in the entire Programme.
PinMeTo AB, Malmö, Sweden
Full-Stack Software Engineer
Apr. 2022 - Current
I worked with multiple teams to develop and maintain a SaaS applications with a sizeable user bases. My main focus was on the Conversations product, which was the most actively used and fastest growing product the company has. The back-end was in Elixir & NodeJS with MongoDB, AWS, Redis, & Neo4J . The front-end was in Elm & Javascript, with Less.
During my tenure I:
Self-Employed, Novi Pazar, Serbia
Freelance Full-Stack Software Developer
Jan. 2020 - Aug. 2022
Worked as a freelancer for various one time clients. Built full stack solutions in Django , NEXT.js , MERN & Spring frameworks. With front-end mostly being built in React or Vanilla JS .
Coworker's opinions
Reinforcement Learning Agents, Running on
Both Embedded and Traditional Computing
Environments for Autonomous System
Independent project
Feb. 2024 - July 2024
Implemented and Compared Reinforcement Learning Algorithms (mainly Q-Learning) in Embedded and Traditional Computing Environments for Autonomous Systems. Alongside the algorithms, implemented a simulation of a inverted pendulum machine that matches the dimensions of a psysical machine. This project was part of a Thesis that can be found here:
https://researchportal.hkr.se/ws/portalfiles/portal/80777212/Imp...Alongside with the full code which can be found here:
https://github.com/HKR-Thesis/thesisThe end result recordings of the algorithms can be found here:
Other Projects
Independent project
Jan. 2020 - Ongoing
Most of my projects are available on my Github profile. Types of projects I worked on are: Machine Learning tools and API's, native file-system utility processes, library's for languages I use and etc.